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QA Records

  1. Click on QA Records under Operations to open the QA Record page
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  2. Click On Create SKG or Create Ezko based on the client that you’re creating a QA report for.
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  3. Fill in details as required below.
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  4. Phone audit. If the QA is completed with the client through phone calls then choose Yes. If in person then “NO”
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  5. You can add comments and upload photos for each task.
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  6. Add in more details if needed.
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  7. Complete the tasks in step 2 as required.
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  8. If the QA report is confirmed, add SKG Signature and client signature.
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  9. After the QA report is created. You can view the QA report pdf through the attachment icon.
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Sample SKG QA report 

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Sample Ezko QA report

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