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Leave Request Process

Create new Leave Request from Mobile App.

  1. Leave Request -> Create
    IMG 0909  IMG 0910
  2. Fill in the leave details and submit request.
    Select leave type in categories then select the start and end date.
    Please note when the leave type is Sick Leave, Compassionate Leave and Workers Compensation Leave, a supporting document is needed, so please upload the supporting document in the attachment field.
    IMG 0911 2
  3. The leave created shows in the leave request module as “pending”, wait for the CSM to approve/reject it. Admin Portal.
    Once it’s approved/rejected, the status of the leave request will be updated.
    IMG 0912 2  IMG 0913

Leave Approval on Admin portal

  1. Go to HR -> Employees -> Leave Management to review the leave requests.
    Leave Menu
  2. Review the Leave details and choose to Approve/Reject the request.
    CSM approval
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