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Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)

  1. Go to Operations -> Servicer Management -> PPMs
  2. Click on “Create New” then fill in PPM details to create the PPM schedules
    1. Enter PPM details including name, client & site, task and interval for the PPM schedule.
    2.   You can also enter multiple assets to each PPM schedule.
    3. At the button of the PPM schedule, you can choose whether to notify CSM OR whether to generate WO now.
      If “Notify CSM” is ticked, then the CSM will be notified about the PPM creation.
    4. If “Generate Work Order Now” is ticked, then a new work order will be generated immediately, otherwise it’ll generated based on the intervals.
  3. The generated PPM Schedule can be view in the PPM listing page

    And the generated Work Orders can be viewed in the “PPM Work Orders” page.
  4. The tasks can be managed via the “PPM Task Management” function

    You can view all tasks and edit the existing task here.
    And add new PPM tasks via “Create New”
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